BAMS Degree


The Ayurveda vs Allopathy debate is an age-old one. While many swear by the proven health benefits of ayurvedic ingredients, medicines and techniques, others adopt the allopathic route. According to an article published in DNA, modern allopathic medicine only came into existence around the 16th century. Ayurveda, on the other hand, is a traditional and complex healing science that traces its origins to the 2nd millennium BCE. According to Britannica, Dhanvantri, the physician to gods and heavenly beings, is often credited as the driving force behind Ayurveda and its imminent rise in the Indian subcontinent. The traditional system of medicine was first mentioned in the Atharvaveda in the 2nd millennium BCE and has been a legitimate form of treatment ever since. Different cultures have different perceptions of Ayurveda and Allopathy. Those inclined towards naturopathy and veganism are attracted to ayurvedic principles, while western medicine enthusiasts are drawn to the legitimacy accredited to Allopathy by medical boards across the globe. So, is Ayurveda better than Allopathy? This article will help you understand the difference between Ayurveda and Allopathy to decode this mystery.

Also Read: Importance of holistic ayurvedic lifestyle

Comparing Ayurveda and Allopathy

To the uninitiated, Allopathy emphasizes using tried and tested methodologies to treat grave illnesses. In simple Wikipedia language, it is an archaic term used to describe western or modern systems of medicine. Interestingly, German physician CF Samuel Hahnemann, credited with being the founding father of homeopathy, was the first to coin this term. Allopathic treatments are rooted in modern and scientifically approved techniques that focus on healing symptoms. Allopathy treats disease but not the root cause of illness. Allopathic medicines involve a lot of chemical-based drugs that have the potential to treat diseases and cause serious side effects in the process.

Meanwhile, the study of Ayurveda revolves around Lakshana, Swastha, and Vyadhi (meaning condition or pattern). Lakshana, Swastha, and Vyadhi help break down symptoms to analyze the root cause of the disease. These manifestations are accurately identified using Darshana (investigation), Sparshana (palpation), and Prashant (cross-examination). A proper ayurvedic establishment will focus on these practices to produce quality ayurvedic doctors. The Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine is known for its emphasis on utilizing traditional medicinal principles to create modern techniques for the treatment of debilitating diseases. The BAMS course at our institute focuses on mixing traditional and contemporary restorative practices to create unique and effective forms of ayurvedic medicine.


So here comes some most important point:-


Allopathy treat symptoms and Ayurveda uproot symptoms

While Allopathy focuses on treating symptoms, Ayurveda chooses to uproot the ailment from its roots. The treatment plan is holistic, natural, and safe and doesn't cause any side effects to the recipient. Ayurveda emphasizes doshas or critical elements that make up the human body. According to ayurvedic physicians, a person falls ill only when these doshas or elements are out of balance. These Doshas are called Vatta, Pitta, and Kaph. According to core ayurvedic principles, these doshas are responsible for the individuals' physical and mental well-being. An ayurvedic practitioner with a BAMS degree from a quality institute like ours can quickly determine a patient's dosha and expedite an otherwise long treatment process.

Cost of Treatment

Those who've received allopathic medicine know how expensive and time-consuming it can be. Allopathic treatments from top hospitals often cost a bomb. It is a significant drain on patients' financial resources and often proves to cause anxiety and emotional distress to them and their families. In comparison, ayurvedic treatments are rooted in the concept of lifestyle overhaul- which is effective and barely costs a dime. Ayurveda's focus on natural and simple healing makes it more cost-effective and a more permanent and positively life-altering form of treatment.

Chronic lifestyle diseases

Chronic lifestyle diseases have unfortunately become increasingly common in modern times. Every third working woman, for instance, is riddled with polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. In addition, Rheumatoid Arthritis, diabetes, and congenital heart disorders have also become more common. Allopathic medicines are a popular mode of treatment for these diseases, but unfortunately, they don't offer a more permanent cure. However, coupled with modern allopathic treatment methodologies, Ayurveda seems to provide permanent relief to recipients.

Ayurveda though has lost opportunities to prove itself as a credible form of treatment rooted in science and logic. For starters, Ayurvedic treatments are in desperate need of modernization- a feat which only The Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine has accomplished along with a few other players. Secondly, misinformation surrounding Ayurveda has affected people's trust in traditional systems of medicine – this has significantly increased in covid times, where people without legitimate BAMS degrees are promoting magical cures to the deadly virus.


So, is Ayurveda better than Allopathy? Honestly, there can't be one correct answer. Ayurveda trumps Allopathy in multiple areas of health care. First, it is a cheaper form of healing than Allopathy, which costs a bomb. Allopathic treatments cause a significant drain on clients' financial resources while also denying them a more permanent solution to their problems. Next, Ayurveda attacks the root cause of the disease to offer a permanent and safe solution. Finally, it is an incredibly safe and effective treatment for vulnerable groups like children, pregnant women, and the elderly. Ayurvedic medicines incorporate several natural herbs, vegetables, and fruits. They provide relief without causing distress to the human body.

Ayurveda strengthens while protecting- a feat allopathy may never accomplish. The difference between Ayurveda and Allopathy is the former's focus on holistic and straightforward treatment that proves to be a fantastic cure for chronic diseases. However, Ayurveda needs to fight misinformation and bias to emerge as a more legitimate and widely accepted form of healing. Ayurvedic institutions and hospitals need to develop modern solutions and equipment to encourage people to adopt ayurvedic practices. So, while Ayurveda trumps Allopathy in all critical areas of healing, Allopathy's legitimacy as a popularly accepted and trusted form of healing and medicine cannot be denied. Marrying ayurvedic principles with modern techniques is a significant push towards popularizing a safe, traditional, and contemporary form of healing like Ayurveda. We hope this exhaustive article alleviates your doubts surrounding the Ayurveda vs allopathy debate.