Name - Prof. Bharat Chandrashekhar Chouragade Date of Birth - 07/07/1971
Unique Teacher’s Code - AYSS00355 Registration No. - 59094
Designation - Principal & Hospital Superintendent Experience - Teaching UG: 23 years; PG: 7 years
Date of Joining - 13/01/2020 Contact / Mobile Number - +91 976 7835 835
E-Mail -
Educational Qualification - M.D(Ayu), BA (AIHC), BA(Sans), PGDHRM, PGDSM, PGDEM, N.D., D.B.M.

Name - Prof. Bharat Chandrashekhar Chouragade Date of Birth - 07/07/1971
Unique Teacher’s Code - AYSS00355 Registration No. - 59094
Designation - Principal & Hospital Superintendent Experience - Teaching UG: 23 years; PG: 7 years
Date of Joining - 13/01/2020 Contact / Mobile Number - +91 976 7835 835
E-Mail -
Educational Qualification - M.D(Ayu), BA (AIHC), BA(Sans), PGDHRM, PGDSM, PGDEM, N.D., D.B.M.

Details of Registrations - Recognized by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of M.P.vide letter no. F1-13/2016/1/59, Bhopal, Dated – 19/05/2016.
Approvals - Approved by National Commission for Indian System of Medicine, New Delhi.
Affiliations - Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur affiliation for Ayurveda UG course (BAMS) for the current academic year vide letter no. MPMSU/Affiliation/2024-25/3837Jabalpur, Dated 02/09/2024.
Permission status - Permission from National Commission for Indian System of Medicine, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India for 100 seats in UG (BAMS) course for the current year (2023- 24) vide Ref. No. 3-5/MARB/2024-Ay. (44) Dated 29/05/2024.

Teacher's Name - Dr. Bharat Chouragade Teacher's Code - AYSS00355 Father's Name - Mr. Chandrashekhar Chouragade
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Nagpur University Nagpur Maharashtra 1993 Date of Birth - 07.07.1971
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Nagpur University Nagpur Maharashtra 1998 Registration No. - 59094
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
21/06/2001 to 30/06/2003 Assistant Professor Jupiter Ayurvedic College & Tarini Ayurved Hospital Nagpur, Maharashtra Ayurved Samhita & Siddhant
01/07/2003 to 21/08/2006 Om Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital Betul MP
22/08/2006 to 31/12/2008 Associate Professor Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre Wardha, Maharashtra
01/01/2009 to 16/10/2009 Govindbhai Jorabhai Patel Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Gujrat
20/10/2009 to 31/01/2013 Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre Wardha, Maharashtra
01/02/2013 to 27/02/2018 Professor Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre Wardha, Maharashtra
28/02/2018 to 31/07/2018 Datta Meghe Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre Nagpur, Maharashtra
01/08/2018 to 11/01/2020 Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre Wardha Maharashtra
13/01/2020 to till date Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular H.No. 88, Fine Avenue Phase-2, Genhu Kheda Kolar Road Bhopal MP 462042 Plot no. 24, White House naik Layout Near Subhash Nagar Nagpur Maharashtra 440022
Teacher's Name - Dr. Preeti Tiwari Teacher's Code - AYSS00875 Father's Name - Mr. Akhilesh Kumar Sharma
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, 2010 Date of Birth - 23-04-1986
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2018 Registration No. - 51731
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
13/02/2018 to 30/09/2019 Assistant Professor S.R.S Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital Agra UP Ayurved Samhita & Siddhant
01/10/2019 to 13/02/2023 Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College hospital and Research centre, Bhopal MP
14/02/2023 to 28/02/2023 Associate Professor Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College hospital and Research centre, Bhopal MP
01/03/2023 to Till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular B-106 Jasmine Ultimate English Villa Kolar Road Bhopal MP 462042 B-106 Jasmine Ultimate English Villa Kolar Road Bhopal MP 462042
Teacher's Name - Dr. Dhruv Kumar Tiwari Teacher's Code - AYSS01253 Father's Name - Mr. Jayantilal Tiwari
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2015 Date of Birth - 23-12-1985
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur 2019 Registration No. - 55012
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
18-01-2020 to 02/03/2021 Assistant Professor Veenavadini Ayurved College & Hospital Bhopal MP Ayurved Samhita & Siddhant
03-03-2021 to 22/01/2025 Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal
22/01/2025 to till date Associate Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular LIG 04, Infont of Police Ground Nehru Nagar, Bhopal 462003 MIG 140 Bharhut Nagar Raghuraj Nagar Satna (M.P.) 485001
Teacher's Name - Mr. Murari Rawat Teacher's Code - AYSN00462 Father's Name - Mr. Shiv Dayal Rawat
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Awadesh Pratap Singh Vishwavidyalaya, Rewa 2007 Date of Birth - 02-02-1985
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Mansarovar Global University, Sehore MP 2020 Registration No. - NA
Council Board - NA
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
13/10/2021 to 31/05/2022 Assistant Professor Faculty of Ayurveda Mansarovar Global University, Sehore MP Ayurved Samhita & Siddhant
01/06/2022 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular H.No. 4 Ahirpura Barkhedi Dhobi Vali Gali Huzur Bhopal 462001

Teacher's Name - Dr. Sachin Khedikar Teacher's Code - AYRS00266 Father's Name - Mr. Girdhari
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Amrawati University Amravati, 2001 Date of Birth - 21-09-1979
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Swamy Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University Nanded, 2008 Registration No. - 58190
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
14/07/2008 to 03/06/2009 Assistant Professor Mahadeorao Shivankar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital & Research Intitute Gondia Maharashtra RACHNA SHARIR
04/06/2009 to 07/02/2014 RA Podar Ayurved Medical College Mumbai Mahrashtra
08/02/2014 to 28/12/2018 Associate Professor Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital & Research Centre Wardha
29/12/2018 to 08/02/2019 Parul Institute of Ayurved & Research, Gujarat Vadodara
09/02/2019 to 07/11/2019 Professor
08/11/2019 to 30/06/2021 Shri OH Nazar Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Surat Gujrat
03-07-2021 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular Platinum B-304, Singapore City Behind D Mart, Gehunkheda, Kolar Road Bhopal (M.P.) 462042 At Post - Ekodi Tahsil Sakoli Bhandara Maharashtra 441802
Teacher's Name - Dr. Mohammad Arif Teacher's Code - AYRS00053 Father's Name - MR. MOHAMMAD FAREED
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2012 Date of Birth - 21.05.1988
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2017 Registration No. - 52426
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
18.02.2017 to 18/02/2022 Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal RACHNA SHARIR
19/02/2022 to Till Date Associate Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular B-5 Ayesha Apartment Near Rajdhani Petrol Pump Jahangirabad Bhopal MP 462008 Lalta Chowk, Near Bus Stand Sidhi 486661 (M.P.)
Teacher's Name - Dr. Anish Kumar Pathak Teacher's Code - AYRS00928 Father's Name - Mr. Radhe Shyam pathak
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya Bhopal MP 2015 Date of Birth - 16.04.1993
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University Jabalpur 2020 Registration No. - 55676
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
07/03/2020 to till date Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal RACHNA SHARIR
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular H No. 21, Vineet Kunj Kolar Road Bhopal MP 462042 H.No. 297/1 Koniya Kalan Tehsil Thother Rewa MP 486223

Teacher's Name - Dr. Vikas Jain Teacher's Code - AYKS00764 Father's Name - Mr. B. L. Jain
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya Bhopal 2005 Date of Birth - 27.02.1979
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur 2008 Registration No. 48829
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
01/11/2008 to 20/11/2009 Assistant Professor Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved P.G. College & Hospital Bhopal MP Kriya Sharir
20/03/2020 to 15/06/2022 Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal
16/06/2022 to till date Professor
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular 184 Rohit Nagar Bhopal MP 462026 Behind Hotel White House Ward No. 19 Civil Line Tikamgarh MP 472001
Teacher's Name - Dr. Shweta Shrivastava Teacher's Code - AYKC01755 Father's Name - Mr. Ashok
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik 2004 Date of Birth - 29-05-1982
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik 2009 Registration No. - 54163
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
09/01/2012 to 30/08/2013 Assistant Professor Uttaranchal Ayurvedic College Dehradun Uttarakhand Swasthavritta & Yoga
04/09/2017 to 30/06/2021 Om Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital Betul MP Kayachikitsa
06/07/2021 to 30/11/2022 Associate Professor Dr Krishna Gopal Dwivedi Ayurvedic Medical college and Hospital Jhansi UP Kriya Sharir
16/12/2022 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular HIG 3/441 Bagmugaliya Arvind Vihar Bhopal MP 462043
Teacher's Name - Dr. Pooja Dubey Teacher's Code - AYKS00971 Father's Name - Mr. Indra Pati Dubey
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Awadesh Pratap Singh Vishwavidyalaya, Rewa 2011 Date of Birth - 05-05-1984
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik 2021 Registration No. - 53434
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
22/04/2022 to 31/03/2023 Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal MP Kriya Sharir
01/04/2023 to 30/09/2024 Faculty of Ayurveda Mansarovar Global University, Sehore MP
01/10/2024 to till date Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal MP
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular A-29 Amaltas Gold Ville Katara Hills Bhopal MP 462043 A-29 Amaltas Gold Ville Katara Hills Bhopal MP 462043

Teacher's Name - Dr. Vaishali Nawalkar Teacher's Code - AYRN00476 Father's Name - SHRIKRISHNA RAO NAWALKAR
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Nagpur University, Nagpur 1996 Date of Birth - 02.10.1974
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Nagpur University, Nagpur 2001 Registration No. 58078
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
01/09/2009 to 20/09/2012 Assistant Professor Rajiv Lochan Ayurved Medical College ROG NIDAN EVUM VIKRITI VIGYAN
12/12/2012 to 10/12/2015 Vidarbha Ayurved Mahavidyalaya
12/12/2015 to 31/10/2017 Associate Professor Mahatma Jyotiba Fule Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya
01/11/2017 to 07/04/2021 Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal
08/04/2021 to till date Professor Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular C/O Roopram Bhelkar J-39 Rajharsh Colony Kolar Road Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Bhopal 462042 Plot No. 111 Maitree Colony Near Dixit nagar nari Road Nagpur 440026
Teacher's Name - Dr. Harendra kumar Modi Teacher's Code - AYRN00052 Father's Name - Shri Sarman lal Modi
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2014 Date of Birth - 14.10.1988
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalya, Indore 2017 Registration No. - 54510
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
30/12/2017 to 30/12/2022 Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal ROG NIDAN EVUM VIKRITI VIGYAN
31/12/2023 to till date Associate Professor
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular House No. 204, F Block Janki Appartment Kolar Road, Bhopal MP 462042 45/1 JAWAHAR WARD THE.- HATTA . DIST. DAMOH
Teacher's Name - Dr. Ashwinee Thakur Teacher's Code - AYRN00778 Father's Name - Mr. Abhay Singh Thakur
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Vikram University Ujjain MP 2016 Date of Birth - 15-02-1991
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University Jabalpur 2021 Registration No. - 55505
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
25/03/2021 to till date Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal ROG NIDAN EVUM VIKRITI VIGYAN
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular 31 Madhuban City, Priyanka Nagar Kolar Road Bhopal 462042 MP 17 Mangal Nath Path badnagar ujjain 456771 (M.P.)

Department of Dravyaguna
Teacher's Name - Dr. Anupam Chaurasiya Teacher's Code - AYDG01087 Father's Name - Mr. R L GOYAL
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2002 Date of Birth - 02.10.1977
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Vikram Vishwavidyalaya, Ujjain 2006 Registration No. - 48255
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
01/05/2006 TO 30/06/2010 Assistant Professor Veenavadini Ayurved College & Hospital Dravyaguna Vigyana
01/12/2010 TO 09/08/2011
10/08/2011 TO 04/09/2016 Associate Professor
05/09/2016 TO 07/10/2017 Professor
16/10/2017 to 12/12/2019 Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal
16/12/2019 to 30/11/2020 L N Ayurvedic Medical College Bhopal
01/12/2020 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular 440 A Mandakini Colony Kolar Road Bhopal 462042 MP
Teacher's Name - Dr. Arunthia Mitra Teacher's Code - AYDG01081 Father's Name - Mr. Sudhangshu Kumar Mitra
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya Bhopal MP 2011 Date of Birth - 31.03.1988
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University Jabalpur 2019 Registration No. - 52901
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
02/07/2019 to 03/07/2024 Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal Dravyaguna Vigyana
04/07/2024 to Till date Associate Professor
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular Shiva Whispering Woods Saliya Misrod road Near Shiva Royal Park Bhopal 462026 (M.P.)
Teacher's Name - Dr. Sari Ramachandran Teacher's Code - AYDG02029 Father's Name - Mr. Ramachandran TK
UG Qualification (University & Year) - University of Calicut, 2012 Date of Birth - 14.01.1988
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur 2024 Registration No. - 61612
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
20.05.2024 to Till Date Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal Dravyaguna Vigyana
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular House No 30 Ruby Baghwah Estate Hinotia Alam Kolar Road Bhopal 462042 MP Sari Bhavan Thirumoolapuram PO Thiruvalla Kerala 689115

Teacher's Name - Dr. Manisha Rathi Teacher's Code - AYRB01336 Father's Name - Mr. Gopal Das Saboo
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Jivaji Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior 2000 Date of Birth - 07-02-1976
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajasthan University, Jaipur 2006 Registration No. - 47928
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
26/06/2006 to 27/01/2009 Associate Professor Om Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital Betul MP RAS SHASTRA & BHAISAJYA KALPNA
28/01/2009 to 15/07/2010 JS Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Nadiad Gujarat
16/07/2010 to 02/04/2012 Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved PG College & Hospital Bhopal MP
03/04/2012 to 12/02/2016 Associate Professor
13/02/2016 to 19/04/2017 Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College hospital and Research centre, Bhopal MP
20/04/2017 to 26/12/2023 Professor
27/12/2023 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular 3/114 Danish Hill View Colony, Kolar Road Bhopal MP 462042
Teacher's Name - Dr. Amita Sharma Teacher's Code - AYRB00472 Father's Name - Mr. Ashwini Kumar Sharma
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Vikram University Ujjain MP 2005 Date of Birth - 07-07-1980
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajiv Gandhi Universiy of Health Science, Bangalore 2014 Registration No. - 49377
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
17/12/2014 to 16/12/2019 Assistant Professor Rajiv Gandhi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Bhopal MP RAS SHASTRA & BHAISAJYA KALPNA
17/12/2019 to 27/03/2020 Associate Professor
28/03/2020 to 19/12/2024 Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal
20/12/2024 to till date Professor Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular D-2 /102 Lila Atulyam Near Aakriti Eco City Salaiya Bhopal 462026 MP
Teacher's Name - Dr. Dr. Anshuman Mishra Teacher's Code - AYRB01551 Father's Name - Mr. Ramesh Kumar Mishra
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2015 Date of Birth - 03-01-1991
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University Jabalpur, 2021 Registration No. - 55061
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
25/03/2021 to 05/05/2022 Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal Agadtantr
06/05/2022 to till date RAS SHASTRA & BHAISAJYA KALPNA
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular Type 3/13, Income Tax Colony Bharat nagar, Shahpura Bhopal (M.P.) 462039

Teacher's Name - Dr. Rachna Jain Teacher's Code - AYKC01170 Father's Name - Mr. Hulash Chandra Jain
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2002 Date of Birth - 01-03-1976
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Vikram Vishwavidyalaya, Ujjain 2006 Registration No. - 48239
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
01/09/2006 to 30/04/2010 Assistant Professor Shubhdeep Ayurved Medical College and hospital Indore MP Kayachikitsa
01/05/2010 to 31/08/2011 Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha Ayurved College & Hospital Sarabh Distt Ludhiana Punjab
01/09/2011 to 30/11/2016 Associate Professor Swasthavritta & Yoga
19/12/2016 to 11/02/2021 Professor Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved P.G. College & Hospital Bhopal MP
23/02/2022 to Till Date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular C-48, Padamnabh Nagar Subhash Nagar, Behind OM Hospital Bhopal MP 462023
Teacher's Name - Dr. Vivek Kumar Patel Teacher's Code - AYSV00487 Father's Name - Mr. Hiralal Patel
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Awadesh Pratap Singh Vishwavidyalaya, Rewa 2007 Date of Birth - 28-04-1984
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2016 Registration No. - 50079
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
13/04/2017 to 20/08/2018 Assistant Professor Parashar Ayurvedic Medical College, Bhopal MP Swasthavritta & Yoga
22/10/2018 to 02/12/2019 FS Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital Shikohabad UP
04/12/2019 to 20/08/2020 Sam College Of Ayurvedic Sciences And Hospital, Raisen MP
21/08/2020 to 09/04/2023 Faculty of Ayurveda Mansarovar Global University, Sehore MP
10/04/2023 to 19/04/2023 Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
20/04/2023 to till date Associate Professor
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular HIG 381 H Sector Ayodhya Nagar Bhopal MP 462041
Teacher's Name - Dr. Yogesha Hingole Teacher's Code - AYSV00821 Father's Name - Mr. Pralhadrao Hingole
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik 2015 Date of Birth - 26-06-1993
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik 2021 Registration No. - 60380
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
16/06/2022 to 08/08/2023 Assistant Professor Bachubhai Govindbhai Garajya Ayurved Colelge Rajkot Swasthavritta & Yoga
01/12/2023 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular S-40 Rajaharsh Colony Kolar Road Bhopal 462042 MP C-13 Ulhas Nagar Shiv Road Taroda KV Nanded 431605 Maharashtra
Teacher's Name - Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma Teacher's Code - NA Father's Name - Mr. Teerath Prasad Sharma
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Mahatma gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodya Vishwavidyalaya Chitrakoot Satna 2005 Date of Birth - 02-07-1985
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Ph.D. Mahatma gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodya Vishwavidyalaya Chitrakoot Satna 2014 Registration No. - NA
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
31/12/2018 to 30/05/2022 Assistant Professor Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College hospital and Research centre, Bhopal MP Swasthavritta & Yoga
01/06/2022 to Till Date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular CM 36, C Sector Shahpura Bhopal 462016 MP
Teacher's Name - Mr. Amol Channe Teacher's Code - NA Father's Name - Mr. G N CHANNE
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal B.SC. 1995 Date of Birth - 03.06.1974
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur M.SC. 1997 Registration No. - NA
Council Board - NA
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
11/01/2018 To Till Date Biostatistician Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal Biostatician
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular/Part time H. No. 12 Banjari Society Danish Kunj Kolar Road Bhopal 462042 MP

Teacher's Name - Dr. Vivek Bhargava Teacher's Code - AYPS00291 Father's Name - Mr. Arvind Kumar Sharma
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Jivaji Vishwavidyalaya, Gwalior 2007 Date of Birth - 17-04-1983
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Baranas Hindu University, Varanasi 2013 Registration No. - 56363
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
03/08/2013 to 30/07/2016 Assistant Professor Rajiv Gandhi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Bhopal MP Prasuti & Stri Roga
01/09/2016 to 04/10/2017 L N Ayurvedic Medical College Bhopal
06/10/2017 to 08/10/2018 Veenavadini Ayurved College & Hospital Bhopal MP
09/10/2018 to 29/11/2019 Associate Professor Veenavadini Ayurved College & Hospital Bhopal MP
30/11/2019 to 16/01/2020 Jeevan Jyoti Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital Aligarh UP
25/01/2020 to 18/02/2022 Government Ayurved College & Hospital Atarra Banda UP
21/02/2022 to 30/11/2023 Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal
01/12/2023 to till date Professor
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular Flat No D1 Prem Vihar Plot No 63-64 Mandakini Colony Near Earning Point Complex Kolar Road Bhopal MP 462042 Shriram Colony Near Vankhandeshwar School Dabra Gwalior MP 475110
Teacher's Name - Dr. Aakancha Gupta Teacher's Code - AYPS00662 Father's Name - Mr. Laxmi Narayan Gupta
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore 2012 Date of Birth - 01-01-1988
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore 2017 Registration No. - 59149
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
24/09/2018 to 01/03/2021 Assistant Professor Bharti Ayurved Medical College & Hospital Durg Chhattisgarh Prasuti & Stri Roga
02/03/2021 to 01/02/2022 Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved PG College & Hospital Bhopal MP
02/02/2022 to 24/09/2023 Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal
25/09/2023 to till date Associate Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular 253/D Sector C Sarvadharma Colony Kolar Road Bhopal 462042 MP
Teacher's Name - Dr. Akshada Rohidas Varpe Teacher's Code - AYPS01047 Father's Name - Mr. Rohidas
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik 2008 Date of Birth - 21/05/1984
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik 2014 Registration No. - 59144
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
11/01/2020 to 23/02/2021 Assistant Professor Veenavadini Ayurved College & Hospital Bhopal MP Prasuti & Stri Roga
22/11/2022 to 30/11/2023 Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College hospital and Research centre, Bhopal MP
01/12/2023 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular 59/3 Nikhil Nestles Jatkhedi Hoshangabad Road Bhopal 462026 MP Govt. Medical College Campus E Block Flat No 204 Kudri Road Shahdol MP 484001
Teacher's Name - Dr. Neha Gupta Teacher's Code - AYST01784 Father's Name - Mr. S.K. Gupta
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2015 Date of Birth - 19-08-1991
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Madhya Pradesh Medical Sciences University Jabalpur 2021 Registration No. - 54985
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
25/03/2021 to till date Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal Prasuti & Stri Roga
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular Flat No. 303 Fourth Floor F Block Sagar Premium Towers Phase I Kolar Bhopal 462042 MP Ward No. 1, H-194, Sitaram Colony Narayanpura Road Chhatarpur 471001

Teacher's Name - Sunita Dwivedi Teacher's Code - AYRB01096 Father's Name - Mr Laxmin Narayan
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Nagpur University Nagpur 1996 Date of Birth - 04.10.1974
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Nagpur University Nagpur 2003 Registration No. - 61682
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
15/01/2009 to 30/08/2011 Assistant Professor College of Ayurvedic Medicine Gwalior MP Rasa Shastra & Bhaisajya Kalpana
01/09/2011 to 30/03/2014 Uttaranchal Ayurvedic College Dehradun Uttarakhand
30/01/2016 to 31/10/2017 Associate Professor Mahatma Jyotiba fule Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Jaipur
01/11/2017 to 02/11/2018 Parashar Ayurvedic Medical College Bhopal MP
29/12/2018 to 23/09/2019 Sam College of Ayurvedic Sciences and Hospital Raisen Agad Tantra avum Vidhi Vaidyaka
24/09/2019 to 08/06/2021 Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal
15/06/2021 to 20/09/2024 Professor Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic Medical College & Research Centre Mathura UP
21/09/2024 to till date Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular House No C-42 Palace Orchid Phase 4, Kolar Road Bhopal MP 462042 412 Ward No 29, Power house Road, Hanuman Gadi Ke aage Datia MP 475661
Teacher's Name - Dr. Vinisha Sharma Teacher's Code - AYAT00041 Father's Name - Mr. Anand Giri
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajiv Gandhi Mahavidhyalaya Bhopal 2012 Date of Birth - 12.01.1987
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2017 Registration No. - 52617
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
03/03/2018 to 02/03/2023 Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal Agadtantr
03/03/2023 to till date Associate Professor
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular 104, MIG Gold Singapore city Behind Dmart, Bhopal MP 462042 Ward No. 17, H.No. 52, Panda pura Gandhi Chowk Ganj basoda 464221 (M.P.)
Teacher's Name - Dr. Francis Vilson Teacher's Code - AYAT00676 Father's Name - Mr. K F Vilson
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore 2017 Date of Birth - 18-04-1994
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore 2022 Registration No. - 59405
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
07/01/2023 to till date Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal Agadtantr
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular 5th Block 104 Soumya evergreen Hinotiya Alam Kolar Road Bhopal MP 462042 Kandamkulathy house kuzhur Thrissur Kerala 680734

Teacher's Name - Dr. Amit Jagtap Teacher's Code - AYKB00295 Father's Name - Mr. Rajaram Jagtap
UG Qualification (University & Year) - University of Mumbai, Mumbai 2000 Date of Birth - 08-06-1976
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Nagpur University Nagpur Maharashtra 2003 Registration No. - 59096
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
01/05/2004 to 04/02/2007 Assistant Professor Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Ayurved and research Centre, Pimpri, Pune Kaumarbhritya
05/02/2007 to 31/10/2008 Shri Saptashrungi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Hospital Nashik Maharashtra
01/11/2008 to 21/12/2016 Associate Professor
22/12/2016 to 03/07/2021 Professor Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College hospital and Research centre, Bhopal MP
05/07/2021 to till Date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular B-104, Mangesh hight Near girdhar Parishar, Kolar Road Bhopal 462042 Saket Complex, B-02/301, Mujiwade, Thane West Maharashtra Thane 400601
Teacher's Name - Dr. Ranjit Narang Teacher's Code - AYKB00289 Father's Name - Mr. Ram Chand Narang
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2013 Date of Birth - 26.10.1990
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2016 Registration No. - 53617
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
25/02/2017 to 28/06/2018 Assistant Professor Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved P.G.College & Hospital Bhopal Kaumarbhritya -Bala Roga
29/06/2018 to 24/02/2022 Sri Sai Institute Of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal
25/02/2022 to till date Associate Professor
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular 159 Om tree hills Near Health center bairagarh Madhya Pradesh Bhopal 462030
Teacher's Name - Dr. Sunita Raghuwanshi Patel Teacher's Code - AYKB00959 Father's Name - Mr. Rajendra Singh Raghuwanshi
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2008 Date of Birth - 12-04-1982
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University Jabalpur 2023 Registration No. - 50591
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
18/04/2023 to till date Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal Kaumarbhritya - Bala Roga
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular I 3 Flat No 102 Fortune Divine City Misrod Bhopal MP 462047

Teacher's Name - Dr. Dhamini A. Nirmal Teacher's Code - AYKC02025 Father's Name - Mr. Arvind Bhai N Nirmal
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Gujrat Ayurved University Jamnagar 2001 Date of Birth - 04.03.1978
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Gujrat Ayurved University Jamnagar 2004 Registration No. - 58017
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
05/09/2008 to 07/03/2011 Assistant Professor Govt. Ayurved College Junagadh Gujrat Kayachikitsa
08/03/2011 to 23/10/2018 Govt. Akhandanand Ayurved College & Hospital Ahmedabad Gujrat
24/10/2018 to 07/08/2019 Kaumarbhritya
08/08/2019 to 02/01/2021 Associate Professor Shree Swaminaryan Ayurveda Gandhi Nagar Gandhinagar Gujrat Kayachikitsa
04/01/2021 to till date Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular Jr. MIG 128/3A, Saket Nagar BHEL Bhopal 462024
Teacher's Name - Dr. Neha Kothari Teacher's Code - AYKC00337 Father's Name - Mr. Ashwani
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik 2010 Date of Birth - 30-05-1985
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik 2015 Registration No. - 58189
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
01/10/2015 to 30/11/2015 Assistant Professor Rajiv Lochan Ayurved Medical College Durg Kayachikitsa
01/12/2015 to 31/12/2016 Rajiv Lochan Ayurved Medical College Durg Swasthavritta & Yoga
14/02/2017 to 15/02/2021 Bhau Saheb Maulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Nagpur Maharashtra Kayachikitsa
16/02/2021 to 31/03/2022 Associate Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal
01/04/2022 to 06/01/2025 Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research centre bhopal
07/01/2025 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular Sector C, 346 Shahapura Near Bansal Hospital Kolar Road Bhopal 462016 MP Plot No. 39, Balaji Colony, Ranala Kamptee Nagpur 441002 Maharashtra
Teacher's Name - Dr. Meenu Mishra Teacher's Code - AYKC03662 Father's Name - Mr. Deepnarayan Mishra
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya Bhopal 2017 Date of Birth - 07-01-1992
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Madhya Pradesh Medical Sciences University Jabalpur 2022 Registration No. - 56636
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
22/10/2022 to 22/06/2023 Assistant Professor Radharaman Ayurved Medical College Research Hospital Bhopal MP Kayachikitsa
30/10/2023 to 29/02/2024 Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Ayurvedic College & Hospital Bhopal MP
01/04/2024 to 30/12/2024 Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved PG College & Hospital Bhopal MP
31/12/2024 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular J-158 Priyanka Nagar Rajharsh Colony Kolar Road Bhopal MP 462042 J-158 Priyanka Nagar Rajharsh Colony Kolar Road Bhopal MP 462042
Teacher's Name - Dr. Mohini Gupta Teacher's Code - AYKC03658 Father's Name - Mr. Prakash Chandra Gupta
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2017 Date of Birth - 04-04-1993
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University Jabalpur 2023 Registration No. - 56639
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
14/04/2023 to till date Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP Kayachikitsa
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular H.No. 213 B Mahabali Nagar Kolar Road Bhopal MP 462042 85 Adit Udit Kunj Dalali Mohalla Rajpur Barwani MP 451447

Teacher's Name - Dr. Usharani B.J. Teacher's Code - AYPK00476 Father's Name - Mr Jayasheel KJ
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore 2006 Date of Birth - 18.01.1983
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore 2009 Registration No. - 58070
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
04/01/2010 to 30/09/2013 Assistant Professor Aroor Laxminarayana Rao Memorial Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya Chikkamagaluru Karnataka Panchakarma
01/10/2013 to 30/10/2015 TMAE Society Ayurved College Shivamogga Karnataka
02/11/2015 to 29/09/2017 Associate Professor Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved P.G. College & Hospital Bhopal MP
03/10/2017 to 09/10/2019 Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College hospital and Research centre, Bhopal MP
10/10/2019 to 04/01/2020 Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal MP
05/01/2020 to till date Professor
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular M- 176 Gautam Nagar Govindapura Bhopal MP 462023 3/11, Kadambari 1st main, 10th Cross, Kalyan Nagar Karnataka Bengaluru 560072
Teacher's Name - Dr. Navneet Arya Teacher's Code - AYPK00824 Father's Name - Mr. Laxman Singh Yadav
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2012 Date of Birth - 08.12.1989
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2017 Registration No. - 53621
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
03/05/2017 to 07/10/2017 Assistant Professor Sai Nath Vikas Samiti Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Agra UP Panchakarma
09/10/2017 to 02/05/2022 Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
03/05/2022 to Till date Associate Professor
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular A 96 Ashirwad Colony Kolar Road Bhopal 462042 MP Dr. R.P. Arya House no. 04, Ward No. 04, Pandit Wadi Sarangpur Rajgarh MP 465697
Teacher's Name - Dr. Sapna Shrivas Teacher's Code - AYPK01554 Father's Name - Mr. Ramdas
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal 2018 Date of Birth - 18.07.1992
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Madhya Pradesh Medical Sciences University, Jabalpur 2024 Registration No. - 57045
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
01/08/2024 to Till Date Assistant Professor Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP Panchakarma
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular EWS 31-32 Kotra Sultanabad Bhopal 462003 Deen Pura Bhind 477001

Teacher's Name - Dr. Swati Jain Mallaiya Teacher's Code - AYST01577 Father's Name - Mr. Dhan Kumar Mallaiya
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Vikram Vishwavidyalaya, Ujjain 2004 Date of Birth - 19-09-1980
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik 2010 Registration No. - 48694
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
29/07/2010 to 29/10/2015 Assistant Professor Rajiv Gandhi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Bhopal MP Shalya Tantra
30/10/2015 to 06/10/2017 Associate Professor Pt. Shivshaktilal Sharma Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Ratlam MP
07/10/2017 to 26/12/2019 Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College hospital and Research centre, Bhopal MP
27/12/2019 to 30/10/2020 L N Ayurvedic Medical College Bhopal
31/10/2020 to 29/03/2022 Professor L N Ayurvedic Medical College Bhopal
30/03/2022 to till date Sri Sai Instutute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular 407 Mandakini Colony Near Vinayak hospital Kolar Road Bhopal MP 462042
Teacher's Name - Dr. Santosh Kumar Meena Teacher's Code - AYST00302 Father's Name - Mr. Brij Narayan Meena
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Vikram Vishwavidyalaya, Ujjain 2007 Date of Birth - 10-05-1980
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajiv Gandhi University of health Sciences, Bangalore 2015 Registration No. - 50125
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
11/12/2015 to 20/01/2018 Assistant Professor Pt. Shivshaktilal Sharma Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Ratlam MP Shalya Tantra
19/08/2020 to 11/12/2020 Murlidhar Ayurved College Rajkot Gujrat Shalakya Tantra
12/12/2020 to 13/03/2021 Associate Professor
14/03/2021 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine, Bhopal Shalya Tantra
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular Bunglow No 27 CI Estate The Park Near Mother Teresa School Thua Kheda Kolar Road Bhopal 462042 MP
Teacher's Name - Dr. Lochan Singh Khandagale Teacher's Code - AYST01644 Father's Name - Mr. Rajendra Khandagale
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah University Bhopal 2011 Date of Birth - 19.06.1988
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University Jabalpur MP 2020 Registration No. - 52974
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
10/01/2020 to 03/11/2020 Assistant Professor Sri Sai Instutute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP Shalakya Tantra
04/11/20 to 10/1/20 shalya tantra
11/01/2025 to till date Associate Professor shalya tantra
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular Flat No 303 F Block Fourth Floor Sagar Premium Towers Phase I Kolar Road Bhopal 462042 MP Near Siddhi Traders, Ranipur Road, Gouthana Betul MP 460001

Teacher's Name - Dr. Pramod Chaudhary Teacher's Code - AYST01173 Father's Name - Mr. Gangadhar Rao Chaudhary
UG Qualification (University & Year) - University of Poona, Pune 2002 Date of Birth - 01-06-1978
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajiv Gandhi University of health Sciences Bangalore 2006 Registration No. - 58975
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
14/10/2009 to 15/10/2014 Assistant Professor Rajiv Gandhi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Bhopal MP Shalya Tantra
16/10/2014 to 20/07/2016 Associate Professor
21/07/2016 to 07/12/2018 RACHNA SHARIR
10/12/2018 to 05/11/2019 Manjushree Research Institute of Ayurvedic Science Gandhinagar Shalya Tantra
07/11/2019 to 20/04/2020 Professor Sri Sai Instutute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP Shalakya Tantra
21/04/2020 to 31/05/2021 Mansarovar Ayurvedic Medical College hospital and Research centre, Bhopal MP
01-06-2021 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular Flat No 204 Jeevan Anand Trilochan Nagar Trilanga Huzur Bhopal 462039 MP Near Gurudev Hospital Saraswati Nagar Bodwad jalgaon 425310 Maharashtra
Teacher's Name - Dr. Rohit Kumar Jain Teacher's Code - AYSK00246 Father's Name - Mr. Nirmal Jain
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal MP 2011 Date of Birth - 25.08.1984
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Maharashtra university of Health Sciences, Nashik Maharashtra 2015 Registration No. - 51793
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
10/10/2015 to 03/08/2016 Assistant Professor Pt. Shivshaktilal Sharma Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Ratlam MP Shalakya Tantra
05/08/2016 to 12/10/2020 Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved P.G. College & Hospital Bhopal MP
13/10/2020 to 04/12/2020 Associate Professor Rani Dullaiya Smriti Ayurved P.G. College & Hospital Bhopal MP
05/12/2020 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular H-25 Fortune Estate Phase I Near Hotel Western Kolar Road Bhopal (M.P.) 462042 F2/H6, Shantipuram Makronia Sagar MP 470004
Teacher's Name - Dr. Sruthi Vasudevan Teacher's Code - AYSK01160 Father's Name - Mr. E N Vasudevan
UG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore 2018 Date of Birth - 25/01/1996
PG Qualification (University & Year) - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore 2022 Registration No. - 59404
Council Board - MP
Date Wise Details of Experience in Chronoligical Order (1st appointment to Till Date)
Duration(dd/mm/yyyy) Designation Name of the College Department
01/12/2022 to 20/09/2023 Assistant Professor Faculty of Ayurveda Mansarovar Global University, Sehore MP Shalakya Tantra
21/09/2023 to till date Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine Bhopal MP
Nature of Present Appointment (Regular/ Contractual/ Deputation) Local Address Permanent Address
Regular House No 30 Ruby Baghwah Estate Hinotia Alam Kolar Road Bhopal 462042 MP House No 19 Shanti Nagar Elamannu Mana Udayamperoor Ernakular Kerala 682307

Our Hospital

Sri Sai Institute of Ayurvedic Research and Medicine has excelled as one of top Ayurvedic centre, combining modern technology with traditional Ayurvedic practices since 2015. Led by experienced Ayurved consultants, our hospital offers comprehensive holistic healing and a wide range of patient care facilities in all domains of Ashtang Ayurved.

It is a replenishing detox that helps the body get rid of accumulated toxins left by diseases, poor dietary choices, and other lifestyle-related unhealthy choices. This ancient Ayurvedic practice also rejuvenates the body and mind, promoting overall health and well-being.

It consists of a fivefold therapy that involves :

Rakta Mokshan

Kayachikitsa (General Medicine in Ayurveda) is one of the most essential branches of Ayurvedic medicine. It focuses on diagnosing and treating various systemic conditions using holistic approaches. Our department strives to offer the highest standards of Ayurvedic treatments, integrating traditional knowledge with modern diagnostic methods

Our Mission

Our Services

We specialize in the treatment of various conditions, including but not limited to:

Digestive Disorders:Indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), ulcers, acid reflux, constipation.

Respiratory Problems: Asthma, bronchitis, chronic cough, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis.

Metabolic and Lifestyle Disorders: Diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, hypertension, thyroid disorders.

Joint and Musculoskeletal Disorders: Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, lower back pain, sciatica.

Neurological Disorders: Migraine, insomnia, anxiety, depression, paralysis, epilepsy.

Skin Conditions: Eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, vitiligo.

Cardiovascular Diseases: Hypertension, coronary artery disease, varicose veins.

Women’s Health Issues: Menstrual disorders, menopause, PCOS, infertility.

Why Choose Us?

Experienced Practitioners: Our team comprises expert Ayurvedic doctors with years of clinical experience.

Personalized Treatments: We offer individualized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique body constitution and health condition.

Holistic Healing: We focus on treating the root cause of diseases, ensuring long-term health and wellness.

State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our department is equipped with modern diagnostic tools while maintaining the authenticity of ancient Ayurvedic treatments.

Patient-Centric Approach: We aim to provide compassionate care and support to help patients achieve optimal health

SN Department Days Consultant Name
1 Kayachikitsa Monday, Thursday Dr. Mohini Gupta
Tuesday Dr. Dhamini Nirmal
Wednesday, Friday Dr. Meenu Mishra
Saturday Dr. Neha Kothari
2 Panchkarma Monday, Tuesday Dr. Navneet Arya
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Dr. Sapna Shrivas
Saturday Dr. Usha Rani BJ
3 Shalya Tantra Monday, Tuesday Dr. Santosh Meena
Wednesday Dr. Swati Jain
Thursday, Friday, Saturday Dr. Lochan Singh
4 Shalakya Tantra (1) Monday, Tuesday, Friday Dr. Shruti Vasudevan
Wednesday, Thursday Dr. Rohit Jain
Saturday Dr. Pramod Chaudhary
Shalakya Tantra (2) Monday, Tuesday Dr. Rohit Jain
Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday Dr. Sruthi Vasudevan
Friday Dr. Pramod Chaudhary
5 Kaumarbhritya Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Dr. Sunita Patel
Thursday, Friday Dr. Ranjit Narang
Saturday Dr. Amit Jagtap
6 Stri Rog Monday Dr. Vivek Bhargav
Tuesday, Wednesday Dr. Aakancha Gupta
Thursday, Friday Dr. Neha Gupta
Saturday Dr. Akshada Varpe
7 Vish-chikitsa Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Dr. Francis Vilson
Wednesday, Friday Dr. Vinisha Sharma
Saturday Dr. Sunita Dwivedi
8 Swasthvritta Monday Dr. Rachna Jain
Tuesday, Wednesday Dr. Vivek Patel
Thursday, Friday, Saturday Dr. Yogesha Hingole

SN Code Employee Name Father's Name Qualification Appointment Date Designation Department
1 SIARAMNT001 Mr. Pratik Singh Baghel Mr. R. B. Singh Baghel Graduate 25-Jun-18 Clerical staff for administrative and accounts services College Office
2 SIARAMNT002 Mr. Gajendra Dhakad Mr. Ganesh Ram Dhakad 10th 1-Feb-23 Museum Keeper Rachna Sharir
3 SIARAMNT003 Mr. Chandra Mohan Sharma Mr. Kriparam Sharma Less than 10th 31-Dec-24 Multipurpose Worker Herbal Garden
4 SIARAMNT004 Mr. Pankaj Kushwaha Mr. Panna Lal Kushwah Graduate 2-May-22 Laboratory Assistant Dravyaguna
5 SIARAMNT005 Mrs. Nilam Mr. Harvan Less than 10th 31-Dec-24 Attendant or Peon or Multipurpose Worker Roga Nidan Evam Vikriti Vigyan
6 SIARAMNT006 Mr. Rahul Bhamuriya Mr. Gyan Singh Bhamuriya Less than 10th 31-Dec-24 Attendant or Peon or Multipurpose Worker Kriya Sharir
7 SIARAMNT007 Mr. Brijesh Shivhare Mr. Ramratan Shivhare 10th 2-Feb-23 Museum Keeper Kriya Sharir
8 SIARAMNT008 Mrs. Mala Sharma Mr. Gunjeshwar Sharma Post-Graduate 4-May-18 Clerical staff for administrative and accounts services College Office
9 SIARAMNT009 Mr. Mohd Nasim Ansari Mr. Shafi Mohammad Ansari Post-Graduate 1-Nov-24 Others Others
10 SIARAMNT010 Mr. Sagar Patel Mr. Bhagwan Singh Less than 10th 31-Dec-24 Gardener Herbal Garden
11 SIARAMNT011 Mr. Chandra Prakash Namdev Mr. Munna Lal Namdev Graduate 3-Jul-18 Clerical staff for administrative and accounts services College Office
12 SIARAMNT012 Mrs. Shradha Nigam Mr. Kishore Nigam Post-Graduate 5-Oct-16 Clerical staff for administrative and accounts services College Office
13 SIARAMNT013 Mrs. Manisha Thakre Mr. Sudheer Less than 10th 1-Aug-24 Attendant Samhita and Siddhanta
14 SIARAMNT014 Mr. Vishnu Prasad Mr. Hemraj Less than 10th 1-Apr-21 Lifter Rachna Sharir
15 SIARAMNT015 Mr. Abhay Lovanshi Mr. Bhav Singh 10th 1-Feb-23 Attendant or Peon or Multipurpose Worker Rasa Shastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana
16 SIARAMNT016 Mrs. Chitra Verma Mr. Sandeep Verma Others 13-May-22 Others Others
17 SIARAMNT017 Mr. Kishore Nathile Mr. M. R. Nathile Graduate 24-May-22 Laboratory Assistant Rachna Sharir
18 SIARAMNT018 Mr. Rahul Gurjar Mr. Ghudmal Gurjar Less than 10th 10-Feb-25 Museum Keeper Dravyaguna
19 SIARAMNT019 Mr. Aman Dandge Mr. Nanarao Dandge Graduate 31-Dec-24 Laboratory Assistant Roga Nidan Evam Vikriti Vigyan
20 SIARAMNT020 Ms. Roshni Singh Mr. Ashok Singh Graduate 31-Dec-24 Laboratory Assistant Kriya Sharir
21 SIARAMNT021 Ms. Pooja Surjuse Mr. Ramesh Surjuse Graduate 2-Dec-24 Laboratory Technician Roga Nidan Evam Vikriti Vigyan
22 SIARAMNT022 Mr. Raghvendra Singh Mr. Feran Singh Others 1-Dec-18 Laboratory Technician Roga Nidan Evam Vikriti Vigyan
23 SIARAMNT023 Mr. Teeka Ram Prajapati Mr. Prem Singh Prajapati Diploma 1-Jan-25 Laboratory Technician Dravyaguna
24 SIARAMNT024 Mr. Om Prakash Mr. Kalu Ram Less than 10th 29-Dec-23 Multipurpose Worker Herbal Garden
25 SIARAMNT025 Mrs. Sangeeta Mr. Dilip Less than 10th 23-Feb-23 Attendant Agad Tantra Evam Vidhi Vaidyaka
26 SIARAMNT026 Mrs. Sarita Bai Mr. Suresh Singh Less than 10th 29-Dec-23 Attendant Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga
27 SIARAMNT027 Mr. Rahul Malviya Mr. Rajesh Malviya Graduate 2-Dec-24 Laboratory Assistant Rasa Shastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana
28 SIARAMNT028 Mr. Yogesh Kumar Saraswat Mr. Puranmal Saraswat Less than 10th 2-Feb-23 Multipurpose Worker Herbal Garden
29 SIARAMNT029 Mrs. Amita Tiwari Mr. Ghanshyam Prasad Pandey Post-Graduate 4-Jul-16 Librarian Library
30 SIARAMNT030 Mrs. Shahina Sultana Khan Mr. Rahim Udden Khan Post-Graduate 31-Dec-24 Assistant Librarian Library
31 SIARAMNT031 Mrs. Rajni Ahirwar Mr. Ratanlal Ahirwar Less than 10th 1-Jan-25 Attendant or peon or multipurpose worker Dravyaguna
32 SIARAMNT032 Mrs. Bhawana Devi Mr. Chandan Singh Mawdi 10th 8-Feb-23 Library attendant or peon Library
33 SIARAMNT033 Mrs. Reena Sondhiya Mr. Kallu Lal Sondhiya Graduate 13-Feb-23 Assistant librarian Library
34 SIARAMNT034 Mr. Sanjay Kumar Singh Mr. Santosh Kumar Singh Graduate 1-Jan-25 Laboratory technician Rasa Shastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana
35 SIARAMNT035 Ms. Sonam Ansari Mr. Mukhtar Ansari Graduate 13-Feb-23 Laboratory technician Rachna Sharir
36 SIARAMNT036 Mr. Sandeep Mairade Mr. Deelip Mairade 12th 2-Feb-23 Museum keeper Swasthavritta and Yoga
37 SIARAMNT037 Mr. Rahul Rao Mr. Inder Rao Less than 10th 10-Feb-25 Attendant or peon or multipurpose worker Rachna Sharir
38 SIARAMNT038 Mr. Pramod Kumar Mr. Rajendra Kumar Diploma 1-Jan-25 Laboratory technician Kriya Sharir
39 SIARAMNT039 Mr. Suresh Rana Mr. Akabar Singh Rana Less than 10th 3-Feb-23 Attendant or peon or multipurpose worker Kaumarbhritya (Balroga)

SN Employee Code Name Father’s Name Qualification Appointment Designation Department
1 SIARAMH001 Dr. Bharat Chouragade Mr. Chandrashekhar Chouragade Post-Graduate 13-Jan-20 Hospital Superintendent Hospital Staff
2 SIARAMH002 Dr. Swati Jain Mr. Dhan Kumar Mallaiya Post-Graduate 30-Mar-22 Consultant Hospital Staff
3 SIARAMH003 Dr. Santosh Kumar Meena Mr. Brij Narayan Meena Post-Graduate 14-Mar-21 Consultant Hospital Staff
4 SIARAMH004 Dr. Sapna Shrivas Mr. Ramdas Post-Graduate 01-Aug-24 Panchkarma Specialist Staff for Panchkarma Therapy Section for OPD and IPD
5 SIARAMH005 Dr. Aakancha Gupta Mr. Laxmi Narayan Gupta Post-Graduate 02-Feb-22 Consultant Hospital Staff
6 SIARAMH006 Dr. Amit Jagtap Mr. Rajaram Ganpati Jagtap Post-Graduate 05-Jul-21 Consultant Hospital Staff
7 SIARAMH007 Dr. Lochan Singh Mr. Rajendra Khandagale Post-Graduate 04-Nov-20 Shalya and Ksharsutra Therapy Specialist Staff of Operation Theatre and Ksharsutra Therapy Section
8 SIARAMH008 Dr. Amita Sharma Mr. Ashwini Kumar Sharma Post-Graduate 28-Mar-20 Pharmacy Manager or Superintendent Teaching Pharmacy and Quality Testing Laboratory
9 SIARAMH009 Dr. Sunita Patel Mr. Rajendra Singh Raghuwanshi Post-Graduate 18-Apr-23 Consultant Hospital Staff
10 SIARAMH010 Dr. Neha Jagdish Kothari Mr. Jagdish Kothari Post-Graduate 07-Jan-25 Consultant Hospital Staff
11 SIARAMH011 Dr. Meenu Mishra Mr. Deep Narayan Mishra Post-Graduate 31-Dec-24 Consultant Hospital Staff
12 SIARAMH012 Dr. Sruthi Vasudevan Mr. E. N. Vasudevan Post-Graduate 21-Sep-23 Consultant Hospital Staff
13 SIARAMH013 Dr. Navneet Arya Mr. Ram Prasad Arya Post-Graduate 21-Apr-23 Consultant Hospital Staff
14 SIARAMH014 Dr. Ranjit Narang Mr. Ram Chand Narang Post-Graduate 29-Jun-18 Consultant Hospital Staff
15 SIARAMH015 Dr. Rohit Kumar Jain Mr. Nirmal Jain Post-Graduate 05-Dec-20 Consultant Hospital Staff
16 SIARAMH016 Dr. Neha Gupta Mr. S. K. Gupta Post-Graduate 25-Mar-21 Prasooti Evum Stri Roga Specialists Labour Room
17 SIARAMH017 Dr. Dhamini Arvind Bhai Nirmal Mr. Arvind Bhai N Nirmal Post-Graduate 04-Jan-21 Consultant Hospital Staff
18 SIARAMH018 Dr. Vivek Bhargava Mr. Arvind Kumar Sharma Post-Graduate 21-Feb-22 Consultant Hospital Staff
19 SIARAMH019 Dr. Akansha Mishra Mr. Narayan Das Mishra Post-Graduate 01-Jan-25 Deputy Medical Superintendent Hospital Staff
20 SIARAMH020 Dr. Abhay Singh Kshatriya Mr. Veer Singh Graduate 01-Jul-23 Resident Medical Officer / Surgical / Medical Officer / Clinical Registrar (RMO / RSO / MO / CR) Hospital Staff
21 SIARAMH021 Dr. Pratyasha Kaurav Mr. Pradeep Kaurav Graduate 01-Jan-25 Resident Medical Officer / Surgical / Medical Officer / Clinical Registrar (RMO / RSO / MO / CR) Hospital Staff
22 SIARAMH022 Dr. Tejaswini Deshmukh Mr. Manohar Deshmukh Graduate 03-Dec-24 Resident Medical Officer / Surgical / Medical Officer / Clinical Registrar (RMO / RSO / MO / CR) Hospital Staff
23 SIARAMH023 Dr. Soumya Tiwari Mr. Purushottam Tiwari Graduate 01-Jan-25 Resident Medical Officer / Surgical / Medical Officer / Clinical Registrar (RMO / RSO / MO / CR) Hospital Staff
24 SIARAMH024 Ms. Deepika Yadav Mr. Ramadhar Yadav Graduate 31-Dec-24 Staff Nurse (In-Patient Department) Hospital Staff
25 SIARAMH025 Dr. Nidhi Hindoliya Mr. Mahendra Hindoliya Graduate 25-Nov-24 Resident Medical Officer / Surgical / Medical Officer / Clinical Registrar (RMO / RSO / MO / CR) Hospital Staff
26 SIARAMH026 Dr. Manish Kumar Shah Mr. Ramlakhan Shah Graduate 26-Dec-23 Resident Medical Officer / Surgical / Medical Officer / Clinical Registrar (RMO / RSO / MO / CR) Hospital Staff
27 SIARAMH027 Dr. Vinod Patidar Mr. Rameshwar Patidar Graduate 23-May-22 House Officer / Clinical Registrar / Senior Resident (Ayurvedic) Staff for Panchkarma Therapy Section for OPD and IPD
28 SIARAMH028 Dr. Deepali Shah Mr. Nitesh Jagnani Graduate 04-Dec-23 Emergency Medical Officer Hospital Staff
29 SIARAMH029 Dr. Monika Shivhare Mr. Santosh Shivhare Graduate 01-Feb-22 Emergency Medical Officer Hospital Staff
30 SIARAMH030 Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma Mr. Teerath Prasad Sharma Ph.D. 01-Jun-22 Yoga Teacher / Expert Staff for Panchkarma Therapy Section for OPD and IPD
31 SIARAMH031 Mr. Vedant Jain Mr. Mahendra Jain Graduate 31-Dec-24 Staff Nurse for In-Patient Department Hospital Staff
32 SIARAMH032 Mrs. Rekha Sharma Mr. Rajkumar Sharma Post-Graduate 03-May-22 Others Others
33 SIARAMH033 Mr. Raja Babu Sahu Mr. Kamta Prasad Sahu Others 01-Feb-23 Laboratory Technician Clinical Laboratory
34 SIARAMH034 Mr. Dinesh Yadav Mr. Om Prakash Yadav Less than 10th 31-Dec-24 Driver Others
35 SIARAMH035 Mr. Dhyanendra Singh Baghel Mr. S.P. Singh Baghel Post-Graduate 10-Feb-23 Pharmacologist Teaching Pharmacy and Quality Testing Laboratory
36 SIARAMH036 Mr. Satish Sarankar Mr. Lakhan Sarankar Post-Graduate 31-Dec-24 Pharmacist Hospital Staff
37 SIARAMH037 Mrs. Neetu Singh Gour Mr. Sundar Singh Pawar Graduate 01-Apr-21 Office Staff Hospital Staff
38 SIARAMH038 Mrs. Neetu Walmiki Mr. Dharmendra Walmiki Less than 10th 03-Feb-23 Masseur Others
39 SIARAMH039 Mr. Pa Reghunathan Nair Mr. P A Nair Less than 10th 25-Mar-23 Cook/Food Service Others
40 SIARAMH040 Dr. Krishna Mohan Sen Mr. Toran Singh Sen Post-Graduate 02-May-22 Resident Medical Officer / Surgical or Medical Officer / Clinical Registrar Hospital Staff
41 SIARAMH041 Mr. Yograj Mahajan Mr. Baburao Mahajan Post-Graduate 21-Feb-23 Pharmacist Hospital Staff
42 SIARAMH042 Mrs. Priyanka Shrivastava Mr. Jayant Shrivastava Post-Graduate 25-Jan-24 Pharmacist Hospital Staff
43 SIARAMH043 Mr. Binoi John Mr. Anitha Binoy Others 31-Dec-24 Panchkarma Assistant Panchkarma Therapy Section for OPD and IPD
44 SIARAMH044 Mrs. Neelu Jain Mr. Lal Chand Jain Post-Graduate 01-Jan-25 Biochemist Teaching Pharmacy and Quality Testing Laboratory
45 SIARAMH045 Mr. Bhupendra Kumar Binjhade Mr. Dhanraj Binjhade Others 17-Feb-23 X-Ray Technician / Radiographer Modern Medical Staff
46 SIARAMH046 Mr. Amit Pal Mr. Madan Singh Pal 12th 08-Feb-23 Dark-Room Attendant Hospital Staff
47 SIARAMH047 Mr. Rohit Verma Mr. Om Prakash Verma 10th 09-Mar-23 Bone Setter Others
48 SIARAMH048 Mrs. Ruchi Chaturvedi Mr. Manoj Chaturvedi Graduate 01-May-22 Store Keeper Hospital Staff
49 SIARAMH049 Mr. Bhupendra Singwal Mr. Hari Prasad Singhwal 10th 15-Feb-23 Masseur Others
50 SIARAMH050 Mr. Pratheeb Kumar Mr. N.N.V. Nair Less than 10th 15-Mar-23 Cook/Food Service Others
51 SIARAMH051 Mr. Vijay Pal Mr. Shyam Lal Pal Graduate 07-Dec-23 Staff Nurse (Inpatient Department) Hospital Staff
55 SIARAMH055 Mr. Sanjay Kumar Kushwaha Mr. Ramesh Kumar Kushwaha Graduate 5-Jan-24 Laboratory Technician Clinical Laboratory
56 SIARAMH056 Mrs. Reena Saxena Mr. Suhit Saxena Post-Graduate 15-Feb-23 Others Others
57 SIARAMH057 Ms. Vedika Sen Mr. Rajesh Sen Graduate 1-Aug-24 Pharmacist Hospital Staff
58 SIARAMH058 Mr. Basant Kumar Verma Mr. Shriram Verma Post-Graduate 2-May-22 Others Others
59 SIARAMH059 Mr. Bhargendra Singh Mr. Rambhan Singh Graduate 17-May-21 Others Others
60 SIARAMH060 Mr. Santosh Malviya Mr. Dhaniram Malviya Less than 10th 9-Mar-23 Washerman Others
61 SIARAMH061 Mr. Hemraj Bansod Mr. Ambadas Bansod Less than 10th 1-Dec-16 Peon or Attendant Clinical Laboratory
62 SIARAMH062 Mr. Devraj Dangi Mr. Goverdhanlal Dangi Graduate 30-Dec-24 Staff Nurse Hospital Staff
63 SIARAMH063 Mr. Kishan Kasbe Mr. Narayan Kasbe Less than 10th 5-Jan-24 Driver Others
64 SIARAMH064 Mr. Nelson Jewas Mr. Bhushan Jewas Post-Graduate 1-Jan-24 Nurse Operation Theatre & Ksharsutra Therapy
65 SIARAMH065 Mrs. Hema Rao Dhande Mr. Rajendra Rao Graduate 31-Dec-24 Midwife Labour Room
66 SIARAMH066 Mr. Sunil Kumar Kushwaha Mr. Sukhlal Kushwaha Graduate 1-Dec-23 Panchkarma Nurse Panchkarma Therapy (OPD & IPD)
67 SIARAMH067 Mrs. Shraddha Nageshwar Mr. Rahul Nageshwar Post-Graduate 1-Jan-24 Matron / Nursing Superintendent Hospital Staff
68 SIARAMH068 Ms. Pooja Bhagat Mr. Gannaji Graduate 14-Dec-23 Staff Nurse Hospital Staff
69 SIARAMH069 Ms. Nisha Patel Mr. Budhsen Patel Graduate 31-Dec-24 Staff Nurse Hospital Staff
70 SIARAMH070 Dr. Abhishek Baghel Mr. Sudeep Singh Baghel Graduate 17-Apr-23 Resident Medical Officer / Surgical or Medical Officer Hospital Staff
71 SIARAMH071 Mrs. Rinki Devi Gupta Mr. Ramji Prasad Gupta Less than 10th 30-Dec-23 Operation Theater Attendant Hospital Staff
72 SIARAMH072 Mr. Neetesh Lodhi Mr. Pahlvansing Lodhi Others 01-Jan-25 Panchkarma Assistant Staff for Panchkarma Therapy Section for OPD and IPD
73 SIARAMH073 Mrs. Sakshi Gangele Mr. Bhagwandas Others 01-Jan-25 Panchkarma Assistant Staff for Panchkarma Therapy Section for OPD and IPD
74 SIARAMH074 Mrs. Anitha Binoy Mr. Binoy John Others 31-Dec-24 Panchkarma Assistant Staff for Panchkarma Therapy Section for OPD and IPD
75 SIARAMH075 Ms. Varsha Chourasiya Mr. Gyanchand Graduate 31-Dec-24 Staff Nurse In Patient Department, Hospital Staff
76 SIARAMH076 Ms. Kavita Mehar Mr. Prahalad Singh Mehar Post-Graduate 31-Dec-24 Physiotherapist Modern Medical Staff
77 SIARAMH077 Mrs. Karuna Raghuwanshi Mr. Gaya Prasad Raghuwanshi Post-Graduate 16-Feb-23 Pharmacognosist (Part-time) Teaching Pharmacy and Quality Testing Laboratory
78 SIARAMH078 Mr. Harish Balmeek Mr. Komal Balmeek Less than 10th 31-Dec-24 Ward Boy / Ayah Hospital Staff
79 SIARAMH079 Mr. Sumit Kunwar Mr. Meerchand Kuwar Less than 10th 10-Mar-23 Ward Boy / Ayah Hospital Staff
80 SIARAMH080 Mrs. Indira Mr. Karamlal Graduate 31-Dec-24 Staff Nurse In Patient Department, Hospital Staff
81 SIARAMH081 Ms. Pinki Varkade Mr. Munni Varkade Graduate 20-Dec-23 Staff Nurse In Patient Department, Hospital Staff
82 SIARAMH082 Mrs. Suhagal Sankre Mr. Sukhnandan Sankre Post-Graduate 01-Jun-22 Analytical Chemist (Part-time) Teaching Pharmacy and Quality Testing Laboratory
83 SIARAMH083 Mr. Raja Rathore Mr. Beeran Rathore Less than 10th 02-Feb-23 Peon / Attendant Teaching Pharmacy and Quality Testing Laboratory
84 SIARAMH084 Mrs. Vijita Deshmukh Mr. Tukaram Deshmukh Graduate 23-Feb-23 Assistant Matron Hospital Staff
85 SIARAMH085 Mrs. Bhawna Bansod Mr. Hemraj Bansod Less than 10th 01-Apr-21 Washerman Others
86 SIARAMH086 Mrs. Kunvar Bai Yadav Mr. Himmat Singh Less than 10th 25-Jan-24 Ward Boy or Ayah Hospital Staff
87 SIARAMH087 Mr. Dinesh Chouhan Mr. Chandra Pal Chouhan Less than 10th 17-Mar-23 Ward Boy or Ayah Hospital Staff
88 SIARAMH088 Mrs. Muniya Bai Mr. Gorelal Less than 10th 08-Mar-23 Ward Boy or Ayah Hospital Staff
89 SIARAMH089 Mrs. Malti Bai Mr. Govind Less than 10th 31-Dec-24 Ward Boy or Ayah Hospital Staff
90 SIARAMH090 Mrs. Rajkumari Shrivastava Mr. Prem Narayan Shrivastava 10th 31-Dec-24 Security Guard Others
91 SIARAMH091 Mrs. Sobha Bai Mr. Har Prasad Less than 10th 31-Dec-24 Operation Theatre Attendant Staff of Operation Theatre and Ksharsutra Therapy Section
92 SIARAMH092 Mr. Neeraj Dhanware Mr. Ram Bagas Dhanware 12th 01-Apr-22 Electrician Others
93 SIARAMH093 Mr. Reetesh Kumar Ahirwar Mr. Kasheeram Ahirwar Post-Graduate 07-Feb-23 Assistant Matron Hospital Staff
94 SIARAMH094 Mr. Amit Kumar Meena Mr. Hajari Lal Meena Post-Graduate 02-Jan-24 Staff Nurse for In-Patient Department Hospital Staff
95 SIARAMH095 Dr. Dinesh Saxena Mr. Madan Mohan Saxena Post-Graduate 01-Jan-25 Pediatrician Modern Medical Staff
96 SIARAMH096 Mr. Mahendra Sahu Mr. Rajaram Sahu Graduate 01-Apr-23 Workers Teaching Pharmacy and Quality Testing Laboratory
97 SIARAMH097 Mr. Devkishan Ahirwar Mr. Bholaram Less than 10th 03-Mar-23 Security Guard Others
98 SIARAMH098 Mr. Anil Bhatt Mr. Chuni Lal Bhatt Graduate 27-Dec-23 Dresser Hospital Staff
99 SIARAMH099 Mr. Prakash Rao Borse Mr. Uttam Rao Borse Less than 10th 06-Mar-23 Security Guard Others
100 SIARAMH100 Mr. Aishwary Gawai Mr. G. S. Gawai Graduate 01-Dec-23 Office Staff (for registration, record maintenance, data entry, etc.) Hospital Staff
101 SIARAMH101 Dr. Pooja Sadiwala Mr. Ritesh Sadiwala Graduate 11-May-22 Resident Medical Officer / Surgical / Medical Officer / Clinical Registrar (RMO / RSO / MO / CR) Hospital Staff
102 SIARAMH102 Ms. Shweta Kanojiya Mr. Sunil Kanojiya Post-Graduate 01-Feb-25 Microbiologist Clinical Laboratory
103 SIARAMH103 Dr. Kranti Jain Mr. Bal Chand Jain Post-Graduate 01-Jan-25 Obstetrician and Gynecologist Modern Medical Staff
104 SIARAMH104 Dr. Sushant Saxena Mr. K. N. Saxena Post-Graduate 01-Jan-25 Anaesthesiologist Modern Medical Staff
105 SIARAMH105 Dr. Jitendra Rajput Mr. Tejsingh Rajput Post-Graduate 01-Jan-25 Medical Specialist Modern Medical Staff
106 SIARAMH106 Dr. Ashok Billore Mr. V. B. Billore Post-Graduate 29-Mar-23 Surgical Specialist Modern Medical Staff
107 SIARAMH107 Dr. Ashok Awasthi Mr. Raghunandan Prasad Awasthi Post-Graduate 17-Mar-23 Pathologist Modern Medical Staff
108 SIARAMH108 Dr. Veerendra Kumar Verma Mr. Dharamveer Verma Post-Graduate 16-Mar-23 Ophthalmologist Modern Medical Staff
109 SIARAMH109 Dr. Kanchan Choubey Mr. Sukhnandan Pawar Post-Graduate 17-Mar-23 Radiologist Modern Medical Staff
110 SIARAMH110 Dr. Shivangi Dubey Mr. Udit Kumar Dubey Graduate 04-Dec-24 Resident Medical Officer / Surgical / Medical Officer / Clinical Registrar (RMO / RSO / MO / CR) Hospital Staff

The results reflect the university’s dedication to academic excellence and fair evaluation processes, ensuring students receive accurate assessments of their performance. Stay updated with the latest announcements on the university website for all upcoming results and notifications.

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At Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, we take pride in fostering a vibrant research environment where innovation and academic excellence come together. Our faculty and students actively engage in cutting-edge research across various disciplines, contributing to national and international journals, conferences, and academic forums.

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SNName Of FacultyDepartmentCME/ Training ProgramOrganized ByPlace
1Dr. Vikas JainKriya SharirCME In Kriya SharirRAV, New DelhiGovt PG Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Varanasi (UP), Feb 2023
2Dr. Vikas JainKriya SharirWorkshop On Research MethodologyRajasthan Ayurveda UniversityJodhpur, May 2023
3Dr. Vinisha SharmaAgadatantraCME In AgadatantraShri Ayurved MahavidyalayaNagpur (Maharashtra), September 2023
4Dr. Anish PathakRachana SharirWorkshop In Marma ChikitsaNASYA MP And MP Council Of Science And TechnologyM.P, April 2023
5Dr. Anish PathakRachana SharirWorkshop In How To Write And Publish Scientific Research PaperCHRDJodhpur
6Dr. Anish PathakRachana SharirPaper Presented In National Seminar On Marma SharirShri Ayurved MahavidyalayaMaharashtra
7Dr. Anish PathakRachana SharirWorkshop On Research Methodology And Scientific WritingSAM Global UniversityBhopal
8Dr. Anish PathakRachana SharirPre-Conference Webinar On The Topic Ayurveda For Public HealthParul UniversityVadodara
9Dr. Lochan SinghShalya TantraPaper Presented In National Seminar On Marma SharirShri Ayurved MahavidyalayaMaharashtra
10Dr. Preeti TiwariSamhita SiddhanthaPaper Presented In JARAYU 2024RKDF UniversityBhopal
11Dr. Sruthi VasudevanShalakya TantraPaper Presentation In Susandnya 2.0 WebinarParul Institute Of AyurvedVadodara
12Dr. Arunthia MitraDravya GunaCME For Teachers Of DravyagunaGovernment Auto. Ayurveda College & HospitalJabalpur
13Dr. Arunthia MitraDravya GunaCME For Teachers Of DravyagunaNational Institute Of AyurvedaJaipur
14Dr. Arunthia MitraDravya GunaNational Seminar On Documentation & Scientific Evaluation Of Flora To Enrich Ayurvedic PharmacopeiaPandit Kushilal Ayurvedic Govt. College, BhopalBhopal
15Dr. Arunthia MitraDravya GunaBotany In Indian Knowledge SystemMansarovar Global UniversityBhopal
16Dr. Sari RamachandranDravya GunaBotany In Indian Knowledge SystemMansarovar Global UniversityBhopal
17Dr. Preeti TiwariSamhita SiddhanthaAyur Vimarsa International ConferenceParul UniversityVadodara
18Dr. Vaishali GanorkarRoga NidanNational Workshop On Molecular Pathology DiagnosisRoga Nidan Vikriti Vigyan PG Association For Pathology And Radio DiagnosisNagpur
19Dr. Vaishali GanorkarRoga NidanNational Workshop On X-Ray DiagnosisRoga Nidan Vikriti Vigyan PG Association For Pathology And Radio DiagnosisNagpur
20Dr. Vaishali GanorkarRoga NidanHands-On Training National Workshop On Microbiological Diagnostic MethodsRoga Nidan Vikriti Vigyan PG Association For Pathology And Radio DiagnosisNagpur
21 Dr. Bharat Chouragade Samhita Siddhant CME in Prakruti Parikshan Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi New Delhi, September 27, 2024
22 Dr. Harendra Modi Roga Nidan CME in Prakruti Parikshan Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi New Delhi, September 27, 2024
23 Dr. Bharat Chouragade Samhita Siddhant CME on RMMS - Mount Abu, August 12-19, 2024
24 Dr. Rachana Jain Swasth Vritta CME on RMMS - Mount Abu, August 12-19, 2024

Courses Duration Programmes Intake Capacity
B.A.M.S. 4.5 Year And 1 Year Compulsory Rotatory Internship - 100

Siaram Group

Naidunia Jyotirmay Samman

Siaram Group

Dhanvantari Samman Puraskar

Siaram Group

Rashtriya Ayush Gaurav Award

SNName Of FacultyDepartmentName Of Awards And AchievementsPlace / Organisations / Events
1Dr. Sachin KhedikarRachana SharirExcellence In ReviewingAsian Journal Of Research In Cardiovascular Diseases
2Dr. Sachin KhedikarRachana SharirChair PersonShalakya Sambhashanam 2023 At Bhopal
3Dr. Sachin KhedikarRachana SharirResource Person In Rachana Sharir CME/RoTPRAV New Delhi At - Jodhpur, Rajasthan
4Dr. Vaishali NawalkarRoganidanaExcellence In ReviewingInternational Journal Of Tropical Disease And Health
5Dr. Vikash JainKriya SharirChair PersonShalakya Sambhashanam 2023 At Bhopal
6Dr. Vikash JainKriya SharirGuest SpeakerDeeksharambh 2023
7Dr. Harendra ModiRoganidanaCo-Chair PersonShalakya Sambhashanam 2023 At Bhopal
8Dr. Mohammad ArifRachana SharirCo-Chair Person/JudgeNational Youth Day 2023 At MGU Bhopal
9Dr. Mohammad ArifRachana SharirCo-Chair PersonShalakya Sambhashanam 2023 At Bhopal
10Dr. Amitha SharmaRasashastra And Bhaishajya KalpanaPandit Uddhav Das Mehta Smrithi Ayurveda Seva Samman-2023Bhopal

SNName Of StudentYear/BatchName Of Awards And AchievementsPlace / Organizations / Events
01Bhagyashree Kakde2018-2019University Third Rank In Final YearMPMSU
02Zoya Afreen2018-2019University Seventh RankMPMSU
03Rashi Jain2019-2020University Sixth Rank In Second YearMPMSU
04Megha Yadav2019-2020University Ninth Rank In Second YearMPMSU
05Shruti Ghoswal2019-2020First Prize In PoshanamSanyojanam 2022
06Prateek Choudhary2019-2020Second Prize In Badminton DoublesSanyojanam 2022
07Hitesh Choudhary2019-2020Second Prize In Badminton DoublesSanyojanam 2022
08Ashwin Gautam2018-2019Second Prize In Short Film MakingConducted By All India Institute Of Ayurveda

S.No Designation Name
1ChairmanDr. Bharat Chouragade
2Member SecretaryDr. Vikas Jain
3MemberDr. Sachin Khedikar
4MemberDr. Manisha Rathi
5MemberDr. Anupam Chourasia
6MemberDr. Vaishali Navalkar
7MemberDr. Rachna Jain
8MemberDr. Sunita Dwivedi
9MemberDr. Amit Jagtap
10MemberDr. Vivek Bhargava
11MemberDr. Dhamini Nirmal
12MemberDr. Swati Jain
13MemberDr. Pramod Choudhary
14MemberDr. Usha Rani BJ

S.No Designation Departments Name
1ChairpersonRachna SharirDr. Sachin Khedikar
2MemberRog NidanDr. Ashwinee Thakur
3MemberRachna SharirDr. Anish Kumar Pathak
4MemberKriya SharirDr. Pooja Dubey
5MemberSamhita SiddhantDr. Preeti Tiwari
6MemberRas ShastraDr. Anshuman Mishra
7MemberDravya GunaDr. Sari Ramachandran
8MemberAgad TantraDr. Francis Vilson
9MemberSwasthvrittaDr. Yogesha Hingole
10MemberKaumarbhriyaDr. Sunita Patel
11MemberStri PrasutiDr. Aakancha Gupta
12MemberKayachikitsaDr. Mohini Gupta
13MemberPanchkarmaDr. Sapna
14MemberShalya TantraDr. Lochan Singh Khanagale
15MemberShalayka TantraDr. Sruthi Vasudevan

SN Designation Name
1 Chairman Dr. Bharat Chouragade (HOI)
2 Coordinator Dr. Manisha Rathi
3 Member Dr. Swati Jain
4 Member Dr. Vikas Jain
5 Member Dr. Amita Sharma
6 Member Dr. Mohammad Arif
7 Member Dr. Navneet Arya
8 Member Mrs. Shraddha Nigam

SN Designation Name
1 Chairman Dr. Bharat Chouragade (HOI)
2 Coordinator Dr. Harendra Modi
3 Member Dr. Sachin Khedikar
4 Member Dr. Rachna Jain
5 Member Dr. Amit Jagtap
6 Member Dr. Vaishali Navalkar
7 Members (Students) 2024-25 Chetan Bhadoriya, Archita Shukla
8 Members (Students) 2023-24 Manish Prajapati, Soumya Pathak
9 Members (Students) 2022-23 Lokesh Soni, Kadhi Aishwarya Kiritkumar
10 Members (Students) 2021-22 Neetesh Prajapati, Badgujar Dhanashri Rajendra
11 Members (Students) 2020-21 Gyaneshwar Malviya, Radha Yadav
12 Members (Students) 2019-20 Ankit Malviya

SN Designation Name
1 Chairman Dr. Bharat Chouragade (HOI)
2 Member Secretary Dr. Manisha Rathi
3 Members Dr. Sachin Khedikar
4 Members Dr. Mohammad Arif
5 Members Dr. Navneet Arya
6 Members Dr. Arunthia Mitra
7 Administrative Staff Mr. Basant Verma
8 Administrative Staff Mrs. Shraddha Nigam
9 Matron Mrs. Shraddha Nageshwar
10 External Member Dr. Vishal Gupta

S.No Name Designation Mobile No
1 Dr. Bharat Chouragade Principal 9767835835
2 Dr. Sachin Khedikar Dean Academics 9960612519
3 Dr. Manisha Rathi Professor 9425788070
4 Dr. Vikas Jain Professor 9630282333
5 Dr. Amita Sharma Associate Professor 7987929796
6 Dr. Harendra Modi Associate Professor 8770784523
7 Mr. Ravishankar Rai S.D.M. 0755-2921193
8 Adv. Enosh George Carlo Advocate 9826016402
9 Mr. Sanjay Soni TI, Kolar Police Station 9926612061
10 Mrs. Ruchi Chaturvedi Non-Teaching Staff 7007436192
11 Mr. Hariom Sharan Mishra Parent 7566739102
12 Mr. Ashok Sarswat Parent 9425656030
13 Pratham Rajesh Patil Senior Student 9165447200
14 Shivam Modi Fresher Student 9752783503

The Committee Against Sexual Harassment (POSH) is constituted as per the UGC guidelines.

S.No. Name Designation Contact Number
1 Dr. Manisha Rathi Presiding Officer 9425788070
2 Dr. Swati Jain Member 7974071764
3 Dr. Rachna Jain Member 7999867420
4 Dr. Preeti Tiwari Member 9977128491
5 Dr. Shraddha Nageshwar Member 8819979729
6 Dr. Sachin Khedikar Member 8329890673
7 Mrs. Shraddha Nigam Counselor 9300584830
8 Mrs. Ruchi Chaturvedi Office Staff 7007436192
9 Adv. Tai Chaurasiya Advocate 9301017951
10 Mrs. Rekha Manocha Warden 9111777035
11 Mrs. Amita Tiwari Member 9827458590

S.No Designation Name
1 Chairperson Dr. Bharat Chouragade (HOI)
2 Co-Chairperson Dr. Manisha Rathi
3 Member Dr. Vikas Jain
4 Member Dr. Mohammad Arif
5 Member Dr. Dhruv Tiwari
6 Member Dr. Arunthia Mitra
7 Member Dr. Ashwini Thakur
8 Member Dr. Yogesha Hingole
9 Member Dr. Francis Willson
10 Member Dr. Sunita Patel
11 Member Dr. Neha Gupta
12 Member Dr. Lochan
13 Member Dr. Sapna
14 Member Dr. Aarti Gond
15 Member Dr. Sruthi Vasudevan

S.No. Name Designation Department
1 Dr. Bharat Chouragade Principal & CMS Samhita
2 Mr. Sachin Jain Finance Officer Accounts
3 Mr. Pradip Malvi Sr. Accountant Accounts
4 Mr. Chandresh Namdeo Accountant RSBK
5 Dr. Manishi Rathi Prof. & Head RSBK
6 Dr. Sachin Khedikar Prof. & Head Sharir Rachna

S.No Designation Name
1 Chairperson Dr. Bharat Chouragade (HOI)
2 Co-Chairperson Dr. Manisha Rathi
3 Member Dr. Swati Jain
4 Member Dr. Vikas Jain
5 Member Dr. Rachna Jain
6 Member Dr. Rohit Jain

S.No Designation Batch Name
1 Chairperson 2019-20 Ankit Malviya
2 General Secretary 2019-20 Khushi Malviya
3 Members (CR) 2024-25 Divyesh Patil
4 Members (CR) 2023-24 Sushil Shyam Shimpi
5 Members (CR) 2022-23 Bachhav Om Darpan
6 Members (CR) 2021-22 Nikesh Badole, Anjel Sunar
7 Members (CR) 2020-21 Harshdeep Mali, Sarita Tripathi
8 Members (CR) 2019-20 Sachin Jaysingh Girse, Khushboo Soni
9 Literary Secretary 2019-20 Vaishnavi Patil
10 Cultural & Fine art Secretary 2019-20 Akshay Satote
11 Sports Secretary 2019-20 Love Chouksey
12 Lady Students Representative 2021-22 Deodhe Purva
13 National Service Scheme Representative 2019-20 Mishra Anay Sureshchandra

S.No Designation Name
1 Convener Dr. Vikas Jain
2 Member Dr. Manisha Rathi
3 Member Dr. Vivek Bhargava
4 Member Dr. Vaishali Navalkar
5 Member Dr. Anupam Chourasia
6 Member Dr. Santosh Kumar Meena
7 Member Dr. Harendra Modi
8 Member Dr. Vinisha Sharma
9 Student Representative (2024-25) Mayur Patil, Simran Bajaj
10 Student Representative (2023-24) Chavare Akshay Muralidhar, Tarishi Thakur
11 Student Representative (2022-23) Omkar Dhyaneshwar Kale, Dhwani Jain
12 Student Representative (2021-22) Chhavi Bhargava, Sanskar Jain
13 Student Representative (2020-21) Vikrant Sahu, Vaidika Joshi
14 Student Representative (2019-20) Jyoti Chaudhary, Harsh Raghuwanshi
15 Student Representative Intern (2018-19) Alok Pandey, Mamta Maurya

S.No Designation Department Name
1 Coordinator Ras Shastra Dr. Manisha Rathi
2 Coordinator Dravya Guna Dr. Anupam Chourasia
3 Coordinator Kayachikitsa Dr. Dhamini Nirmal
4 Coordinator Panchakarma Dr. Usha Rani
5 Coordinator Shalya Dr. Swati Jain
6 Member Shalakya Dr. Rohit Jain
7 Member Prasuti Tantra Dr. Aakancha Gupta
8 Member Kaumarbhritya Dr. Ranjit Narang
9 Member Swasthvritta Dr. Vivek Patel
10 Member Agad Tantra Dr. Vinisha Sharma

S.No Designation Department Name
1 Dr. Bharat Chouragade Principal & CMS Samhita
2 Dr. Shraddha Nageshwar Matron Nursing
3 Dr. Amita Gupta Consulting Biochemist Biochemistry
4 Dr. Sapna Singh Consulting Microbiologist Microbiology
5 Dr. Lochan Singh Khandagale Asst. Professor Shalya Tantra
6 Dr. Swati Jain Prof. & Head Shalya Tantra
7 Dr. Navneet Arya Asso. Professor Panch Karma

S.No Designation Department Name
1 Dr. Bharat Chouragade Chairperson
2 Dr. Dhamini Nirmal Member Secretary Kayachikitsa
3 Dr. Amita Gupta Consulting Bio Chemist Biochemistry
4 Dr. Sapna Singh Consulting Microbiologist Microbiology Department
5 Dr. Swati Jain Prof. & Head Shalya Tantra
6 Dr. K.K. Choubey Modern Consultant Anesthesia
7 Dr. R. Awasthi Modern Consultant Pathology
8 Dr. Vishal Gupta Prof. & Head Pharmacy
9 Dr. Sherin P. Shaji Director Nursing MDC
10 Shri Hemraj Bansod Clerk & Attendant Admin Office
11 Shri Ritesh Ahirwar Asst. Matron Nursing

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