If you have any questions please fell free to contact us.
Sri Sai Ayurvedic Medical College Village Hinotia Alam, Kolar Road, Bhopal - 462042, Madhya Pradesh
Officer | Designation | Contact No. | Email Id |
Principal Offices |
Dr Bharat C Chouragade | Principal | 0755-2829729 | admin@siarambhopal.com |
Secretariat AYUSH Offices |
Mr. Prateek Hajela, IAS | Principal Secretary | - | psayush@mp.gov.in |
Mr. Pankaj Sharma | Deputy Secratary | - | psharma1967@gmail.com |
Dr. Nagarjun B.Gowda, I.A.S. | Under Secratary | - | nagarjun.bg@ias.gov.in |
Directorate AYUSH Offices |
Dr. E. Ramesh Kumar, IAS
- | dirayush@mp.gov.in |
- | mp_dismh@yahoo.com | ||
Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University Jabalpur |
Dr Asho Khandelwal | Vice Chancellor | - | vcmpmsu108@gmail.com |
Dr. Prabhat Kumar Budholia | Registrar | - | registrarmpmsu@mp.gov.in & affiliationmpmsu@mp.gov.in |
Dr. Sachin Kuchya | Exam Controller | - | ecmpmsu@mp.gov.in |